Femtocell Application Solution
The Femtocell Application Solution Benefits both Operators & Consumers
BTI’s Femtocell Application Solution creates a new way for operators to offer fun applications and useful services to their customers while at the same time, provides a solution for better signal coverage, delivery of high speed data and network optimization. By adding applications to their femtocell offering, operators can generate new service revenue, differentiate themselves from competitors, and have a device in the homes of their customers that becomes a new channel for content distribution and home automation services.
- Femtocell Technology
- SmartFemto
- APPs-On Femto Application Server
- Femto Notification Generator
- Femtozone Applications
- Adz-on Femto Advertising Application
- PromoZone Application
- Track-U Application
Turn BTI’s Femtocell into a New Channel for Applications
APPs-on Femto Application Server Offer New Applications and Services with APPs-on
BTI’s APPs-on Femto Application Server is a platform for offering fun and useful applications to your subscribers. Also, APPs-on is open to third-party applications, so there are many possibilities for providing more services for yourcustomers and more importantly, generating more revenue from your femtocell solution.
- Provides a server for offering operator-branded and third-party applications
- Safeguards your network
- Protects your subscribers’ privacy
- Compliant with Small Cell Forum’s Services APIs
Femto Notification Generator Powering Location-Based Applications
BTI’s Femto Notification Generator, one part of BTI’s Femtocell Application Solution, immediately detects entrances and exits from the femtocell network. This feature allows the Femto Application Server to quickly notify all applications on the server about femtocell events and at the same time, powers applications relying on location and presence information.
ADz-on: Femto Advertising Application Add On to Your Revenue with Adz-on!
By adding BTI’s award-winning, interactive advertising tool, ADz-on, to BTI’s Femtocell Application Solution, mobile operators and service providers can generate new advertising revenue from marketers, brands, and ad agencies

PromoZone Application Turn your Femtozone into a Marketing Zone
BTI’s PromoZone Application allows operators to generate new advertising revenue by offering businesses the ability to send targeted, location-based messages to customers when they enter the femtozone of the business. The consumer has opted-in to receive these promotional messages and the business can tailor their marketing messages to fit their current promotional strategy
Track-U Application Always Know Who’s in the Zone
BTI’s Track-U Application works in conjunction with BTI ’s Femto Application Server and notifies subscribers when friends and family members or anyone with a registered mobile phone enters a femtozone. For example, parents can receive a SMS on their phone as soon as their child returns home from school and enters the femtozone at home. This is just one of the many possible operator-owned applications that can be offered to mobile customers as part of a complete femtocell solution.